Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ponderings and Rants About Technology in This World!!!

OK here we go this seems like a lame thing to do for a Learning 2.0 blog post so I'm taking the opportunity to whine and bitch about tech things that piss me off.
Why is it when you go to a store, does every card reader (ATMs also) work differently?
Why is it when you use library databases every vendors interface is different? I do realize that there are some basic concepts that they all use. I think there should be some uniform standards that are used across the board for all search databases? I want them to look alike and act alike. Why is it when you go to a store and the cash registers are not working the cashiers can't seem to do the simple calculation of counting back your change in their head?!!! Because we are so technologically advanced are we raising a nation of dummies?!!! Can't people think on their own anymore?!!! Oh well, I could go on forever. I guess it's the little things about this techie world that really piss me off. There you have it. The assignment was to comment on technology so there is my comment! I really don't see the point of this "thing" in the scheme of the "23 things". It's just busy work.

RANT OVER My apologies If I offended you. I'm in a foul mood today.

1 comment:

Marne Wilson said...

I was waiting for the bad words, but I didn't see any. You forget that I'm from North Dakota. It takes a lot more than that to faze me!