Saturday, July 21, 2007

Learning 2.0 Comments Week 6#15

Once again I find these types of assignments in Learning 2.0 superfluous. I don't wish to share my thoughts with every damn Tom, Dick , or Harry.

Here it is anyway.

In the Iceberg article by Anderson, He makes some valid points about library use. Although I tend to agree with most of the points he makes, one thing I disagree with is "his come to us" statement.
People are still coming to the library. They may not physically be coming to the library but virtually coming to the library (they may not recognize that they are coming but they are). There are many resources owned by libraries that people can access for free that they would otherwise spend a lot to purchase. So therefore, They are still coming to the library, They just don't know it.

As far as what Library 2.0 means to me. It just demonstrates that there is a great big world out there and there are many ways accessing it and organizing what take from it.

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