Friday, July 6, 2007

Week 4 RSS Assignment (#8 & #9)

I find that feeds can be useful for keeping current on any news type event. I'm a drum corps fan and it's an easy way to to keep track of the nightly scores throughout the Drum corp season. I'm also tend to be a little bit of news junkie so I have set up feeds from my favorite news sources. Although very useful, I will probably not continue to use RSS very much after Learning 2.0. (#8)

I found that the easiest way to get a feed is to look fer the icon on you favorite sites. Most of the search tools I found to be "too much". It was definitely information overload. It was wading through a lot a crap to find what you want. Of all the search tools that were mentioned I liked Technorati the best. I really don't know why. Perhaps it was the catchy name. It was the most appealing odf the ones I looked at. (#9)

RSS is definitely for the person that lives their life sitting in front of a computer.

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