Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wiki Wiki Whatever Week 7, #16 & #17

What do I find interesting about wikis? Really not much. I guess that's because we have been using them here in the reference department for quite awhile. Wikis can be used for any number of things: Groups to share information ( like our refwiki here at Alden ), They can be used as a place to share subject related information(there are some wikis here in ref. that have been set up by subject bibliographers)or just a place where people can share any info about anything they want. One wiki I look at a lot is It's a wiki that has public domain choral sheet music available for you to download.

As for setting up and editing wikis, I find the process to be somewhat difficult. It certainly, in my opinion, is a process that is not very intuitive. I found that the materials that were presented were not that helpful. I would have used the help page but didn't see one ( if there was one it certainly was not visible). I'm the kind of person that needs detailed step by step information.
The process certainly was vague in a lot of places. I will be editing wikis as little as possible unless I have detailed "step by step" information on the process.

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