Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Social Networking, It's not for Everyone (Especially Me!!) Week 10 #22


Oh, come on! Perhaps it's a generational thing, call me an old fart! Once again here's another something to keep people's fat asses in their chairs staring at a computer screen. OK, I'm a private person so you will never see me participating in Facebook, MySpace or any online social network. Online social networks are like six degrees of separation on steroids. I think that most of the people using them share too much information about themselves and use them for frivolous recreational purposes or an easy way to look for a "hook up". As you can tell, I don't hold them in high regards. I'm sure that many people do use them to connect with family and friends, but for the most part I see them as being silly, yet another way of non-personal communication. Unfortunately, since they are so popular maybe libraries should become involved with them. If my post has offended you or pissed you off, too damn bad, get over yourself!!

1 comment:

Marne Wilson said...

Oh, Steve! :heaves big sigh: