Thursday, August 2, 2007

Web-based apps get few snaps Week 8, #18

Well this week we looked at web-based apps. using Google Documents and Zoho. In a committee I am on we have been using Google Documents to work on, share and edit documents pertaining to the committee's work. I can't say that I have any great love for Google Documents. I find that the differences it has from Word are are small and make it very annoying to use. I did take a look at Zoho and it seems to act a little more like Word and is less annoying. Both Zoho Planner and Google Calender were OK. I think I like using our corporate time much better. I'm not sure if that's because I'm more familiar with it or it's just more comfortable to use. Looked at both Google's and Zoho's spreadsheet programs and I can't really say much about them simply because I don't use spreadsheets often enough to make a comment.

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